Non-conformity to the Natural Law out of Underdevelopment in sub-Saharan Africa
To easily understand your country’s non-conformity to the natural law out of underdevelopment, and how this non-alignment comes about, let’s go back to the example of cooking food using the traditional African method of three cooking stones. Imagine again that one of the cooking stones was missing. The remaining two cooking stones cannot support the saucepan; they simply give way and the food ends up sitting on the ground (illustrated below).
In this position, the food can never get ready no matter how long you cook it. The law of physics is such that cooking heat moves from the bottom-upwards and not from the sides-inwards. The best that food can become are small portions of it, in the sides touched by the fire flames, getting ready while the rest stays uncooked! Just a handful of people get served.
The missing cooking stone symbolises the missing development pillar[1] for your society. The absence of this development pillar makes it impossible to move your country out of poverty and underdevelopment, in the same way the missing cooking stone makes it impossible to cook food and it gets ready (Illustration above). Just as food cooked this way ends up feeding a handful of people, the economic growth registered in the absence of the third development pillar ends up benefiting a handful few in the country. Put differently, the failure of your country to get out of poverty and underdevelopment is a natural response that will happen regardless of who the leader is, in the same way cooking food and it fails to get ready, because it is sitting on ground, is a natural response that will happen regardless of who the cook is.
As long as your country continues to non-conform to the natural law out of underdevelopment, its chances of getting out of poverty and underdevelopment will remain non-existent, regardless of what the policy makers say or do (Figure 1) and thus, creating a bleak future for your children/grandchildren.
[1]The world that you and I grew up in prevents the African mind from growing attitudes that are critical to development. The absence of these attitudes in the African mind-set denied you, me and the rest of the Africans the right thinking for the country’s development. For details, read prefaces of our story books.